Saturday, May 2, 2009


Velvet was tired. She had been dancing non-stop all night and her legs were worn out. Only seven girls had shown up tonight and two of them had bought off the DJ so they didn’t have to dance on stage. That meant only five girls on rotation. The two that had paid the DJ off were with regulars, so they weren’t even really on the floor.

One girl on stage and four on the floor meant that the guys were competing for attention; competing with the twenty dollar bills that they were waving at each of the girls on the floor for lap dances. Competing with the money they were showering on the girls on stage trying to make sure that they would get a visit when she was off stage.

It was three in the morning and after five hours Velvet had $500 in her purse which was not bad at all for a locals club that didn’t have any private rooms. She was just about to call it a night when the manager Darius came up to her. “Miguel is coming in tonight, he requested you again, so you need to stay till 5.”

Velvet sighed, she had a good night and she was ready to go home, but this was not a request, it was required at this point. Miguel was a good friend of the owner, to not stay for him would be a slap in the face of the owner. Still Velvet was tired of Miguel, he broke the rules, pushed the boundaries, and seemed to take liberties he felt owed that other customers would never ask for.

Velvet had been hoping to put off seeing Miguel for a night when she had more energy. She had a plan, but needed a little more energy than she had to put it into play. She wandered over to the bar and asked for a Rock Star, hoping it would help. Next she went to the cage, where the cashier sat and asked for her Sheriffs card. She would need it since she expected to be looking for another place to dance the next day.

She still had an hour and a half before Miguel arrived, so Velvet went back to the floor and made another hundred dollars doing lap dances. Just a little after 4:30 Velvet went back to the dressing room to get ready for Miguel. She opened her locker and pulled out her back pack. Zipped up in a side pocket were some small black zip ties.

She pulled the zip ties from her back pack. Then she grabbed out her warming lotion for her legs, it was her own concoction that she used on nights like to night when her legs were tired and sore but she need to keep dancing. She rolled down her stockings and massaged the mixture into her legs. When she pulled her stocking back up she tucked five of the small zip ties into the lace tops.

She then pulled a pair of black lace boy shorts from her bag. She was already wearing a black boy short tonight, but this one had a little secret that would make it useful in her plan. Velvet touched up her make up and hair and was ready.

She went back out on the floor. The crowd had thinned out; there were only a few customers and a few dancers. The stage rotation was over for the night, so Velvet went to the bar and got another Rock Star. She sat, relaxed and thought about what she was about to do.

Velvet felt it the moment Miguel arrived; she could feel the heat of his eyes and knew it would be only a moment before he was at her side. She drank down the last of her Rock Star as he reached her. He moved her hair aside and kissed her neck. Most patrons would never get away with doing that, but Miguel’s relationship with the owner gave him privileges.

Velvet stiffened, he knew she hated it; that he could do that, which was why he liked it so much. He took a hundred dollar bill and tucked it in her cleavage. She knew the routine. That bought him five lap dances off the main floor in the back where there was a little more privacy. She also knew she would not start of dancing in his lap; he would want a little stage show first.

He walked away from her to the DJ, spoke with him for a minute, gave him a twenty and came back to retrieve Velvet. Miguel went back to kissing her neck, but Velvet knew that others were watching, which would upset the manager, so she stepped from the bar and took Miguel back to the lap dance area.

In this club, lap dances weren’t done on the floor, but in booths in the back. It gave a layer of protection from the police, since no club fully complied with the no-touch rule.

Miguel motioned to Velvet that he wanted her on the little stage in the back, the one surrounded by the lap dance booths, dancing on the pole. The first strains of “Darling Nicky” started a song Miguel had requested. Velvet grabbed the pole, slid down slowly, and bent back so that she was doing a back bend with the pole between her legs. Up, down, up down; rhythmically she moved, creating the image Miguel wanted, one of her moving, taking it in, and making the pole her own.

The power it took to move like that was incredible and Velvet was harnessing it. She looked over to Miguel, he had the look, he was already gone, wanting to have her and to conquer her. Then she took her power, she grabbed the pole and spun, controlled, with grace and sensuality, around and around until she touched the floor.

She landed soft, exactly how she intended. Her left ankle under her ass as she pulled the right toward her; she pulled it up, licking her calf, running her tongue across her ankle. After the tease with the tongue she moved her right ankle behind her head and caressed herself.

From under her lowered lashes she saw Miguel lick his lips, it was what he wanted. He wanted her hot; he wanted to see they ways in which she could push her body. Still, most of all he wanted some control over her.

The strains of ‘Little Nicky” were fading. Velvet was still on the floor, vulnerable and stretched. Miguel was loosening the tie he had worn to work that night. He wanted more, so much more, he wanted ownership.

The next song started, another he had paid the DJ for with his twenty. Maria Maria; Santana. Velvet used the pole to pull herself up. Then the pole became her partner. The quick movements of her feet timed with the music, showing she had some training in Latin dance. The pole was her anchor as she did complicated turns and footwork to the music, moves that though trained, had a primal and innate feel to any who watched.

Half way through the song Miguel could not take any more of just watching her. There was strength and sensuality in the way she moved and he wanted it closer to him. He signaled for her to come down of the stage, to come to him. Velvet wanted to tease him just a bit, so she slid down the pole, slowly, locking her eyes on him. She went down on her knees and bent back until her hair was touching the floor.

It was one of those things that made Miguel single her out, the flexibility and she was showing it off. She pulled herself up one last time, then jumped up and spun around the pole to the floor. She timed her landing so she was at the stairs. She dropped her feet down, stood up and walked down the stairs.

Velvet had focus, she was ready. Five steps were all it took and she was at Miguel. She didn’t give him a moment to think or stall or prepare, she just started moving, dropping down between his legs. Her back was to him and as she slowly stood up she knew she was brushing against him. She stood all the way up, the small of her back at his lips, he could not resist, he had to lick that spot, but the way she moved he only had one brief taste; not what he wanted.

Velvet started the real lap dance, what Miguel wanted from her. The grind, the tease, and the moment he thought he would get to take control. Tonight would be different; her plan was in play, not his. She did all the moves that would drive him where she wanted him. Moved her knee slowly across his crotch, sliding it past his cock, he was already hard. She set her heel on the back of the booth behind his head making it so her pussy was just a couple inches from his face. He would stick his tongue out to lick her, but it was at that moment she would move a way.

She was in the place where she was in charge; it was all about the tease, about Velvet being in control. It was exactly what Miguel wanted, to be in control and right now she had it, he did not. Finally she turned her back to him, bent over and grabbed her ankles. She knew Miguel had been waiting for it so he could take advantage and he did. As she slid back up, he pulled her down so she was seated between his legs.

He immediately started to lick a spot on her neck, a spot he had discovered a few weeks prior. It was something that left her vulnerable in this business. That one exposed spot on her neck that when licked, kissed or caressed would make her react. It wasn’t quite an orgasm, but it looked like one and sent shivers through her body.

Miguel got the control he wanted, licking and kissing that spot. He leaned in “you know I have that pair of panties still, they are under my pillow and I smell them when I go to sleep and when I wake up. It was the best hundred I ever spent, but I want a new pair.” With that he tucked another hundred into her cleavage.

Velvet leaned back so only Miguel would hear her. “I have another pair for you, but I want to do something different with these, I want to use them so I can give you a dance you won’t forget.”

Miguel wanted it, so she took off the pair of black lace boy shorts she was wearing. She straddled him and pulled both of his hands behind his back. She put each had through one of the legs of the panties, then took a zip tie and threaded it through the loops she had sewn into the panties. Miguel did not realize it yet, but he was cuffed so that he could not get out, he was vulnerable.

Now he could not touch her, she really was in control. She started to dance, it was erotic and it was every thing he could want. When she had him frenzied, she decided it was time. She leaned in again “I will be right back, just need to use the little girls’ room.” She sauntered off moving her hips with that promise of more. Once she hit the doors to the back room she went right to her locker. She pulled on her clothes and went to the side door which lead to the regular floor not the lap dance area.

She went to Darius, “I am ready to go, walk me out please.” It was a club requirement; all dancers had to be walked out to their car. Part of her didn’t care that it was required, but still she got the escort because the parking lot could be scary.

“So you gave Miguel what he wanted” There was a hint of accusation in Darius’ voice. “I watched you on the camera, I saw how you reacted to him, I know you want him.” Velvet was not surprised with the way her manager was reacting. He had acted jealous before, just another reason for tonight to be the last at this club.

“Look whatever you saw or though you saw, I don’t care, it is what it is.” Velvet got in her car and put the key in the ignition, she rolled the window down as she started the engine. “You might not get it at this moment Darius, but Miguel was never a choice I had, you told me I had to be here if he wanted me and then complain and act all put out that I do my job, get over it!”

That was all she had to say as she drove away. She knew soon Darius would get it, when he had to find a way to liberate Miguel from her form of bondage, but she didn’t care. For once she would win a round and it was a sweet victory even is she had to find a new gig the next day.

Copyright 2009

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