Saturday, May 2, 2009


Sarah had been dancing for hours; her body was glistening with sweat. It was dripping down her temples, her cleavage and her ass. It seemed like every few songs she had a different partner, none of the men on the dance floor could keep up with her tonight.

She was petite only 5’2”, but always wore very high heels giving her legs a much longer look. She had curves and to the casual observer seemed soft. That was where most men made a mistake, because once they got her on the dance floor they discovered her body was built to move with both strength and endurance.

Tonight she had 6 inch heels on; they were a brown sandal with an ankle strap. She always looked for and ankle strap on a shoe, dancing in shoes that didn’t have one was precarious. She had a short brown skirt; it was flippy and full allowing the occasional glimpse of a cheek when she danced hard. Underneath she wore a pink lace boy short, so when her skirt did flip up it kept her covered, but was still sexy.

Her top was a crème wrap around tank. The neck line plunged making the most of her deep cleavage. The crème color set off the hint of olive in her skin. One gold chain adorned her neck at the end was a diamond tear drop necklace. The teardrops of sweat seemed to mimic the shape of the diamond.

She had not left the dance floor in two hours, but it was time for a drink and a bottle of water. She went over to the bar and waited to catch the attention of the bar tender.

“Do you always dance like that?” Sarah looked at the man who posed the question. He was tall with Sandy brown hair, dressed in jeans with a shirt striped in shades of blue, un-tucked with a tan sports coat over it. He had a quirky smile. Sarah liked quirky, it was usually much more interesting than the pretty boy smile most guys had in the clubs.

She winked at him “Sometimes I dance harder, but no one can seem to keep up.”

He looked at her hard, but at her eyes, his gaze didn’t roam across her body. His tongue darted out to his upper lip and in less than a moment was gone. “I would like to try to keep up, at least for a bit. Can I buy you a drink and then we can see if I have anything you like on that dance floor.” Sarah nodded.

He turned around and the bar tender seemed to materialize out of no where. He looked at her, raised his eye brows. “Vodka Tonic. Sara said. He turned back to the Bar tender “two of those and two bottles of water.”

They got their drinks and he guided Sara to a table that was as far away from any speakers as you could get in that club. They sat down. “I’m Eddie.” He said as he extended his hand toward her. “Sarah.” She said as she took his hand and shook it.

“Well now that the formal introductions are over…” He let the sentence dangle. “I have been watching you for a while now. You dance as though you are trying fulfill some need.” Eddie was still looking at her eyes. She didn’t know what to say so she just looked out to the dance floor and drank her water. Finally Sarah looked back “So you think you can keep up with me?”

“Not sure I can keep up, but I can do better than the other guys that you have been dancing with tonight.” He had that quirky smile again and a twinkle in his eyes that said he knew something she didn’t. “How old are you?” he asked.

Sarah laughed, “twenty-nine, but that will be thirty in the next week.” Eddie raised his eyebrows. “Really, so on what day will you be thirty?” There was a visible excitement on his face. My birthday is on October fifth.” Sarah was curious where this was going and why Eddie would be excited by the idea her birthday was coming up.

“I am not going to say it, I am just going to show you so that you know this isn’t a pick up line.” He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He liberated his ID from it and passed it to her. “Look at the birth date.”

Sarah scanned his ID for name, address, height, weight, hair color, eye color and then her eyes finally landed on his birth date. It was the same as hers, two years earlier, but the same day. She met his eyes and they both started laughing. It was an incredible coincidence.

They talked for a few minutes. They finished their drinks. Eddie looked at Sarah, “I guess it is time to see if I can keep up with you.” With that he held out his hand and led her to the dance floor. It was a Tuesday, so it wasn’t completely packed and they had room to move.

The club was Studio 54, so all the music had a disco house beat flowing underneath. Sarah moved double time to the beat. Eddie held on, not showing off, not taking over, just being her partner and being her anchor. It worked. She looked up at him, “you’re actually keeping up.”

Eddie grinned at her. “Not really, I am just taking the pace you are moving at, cutting it in half and making sure I don’t make you look bad.” She smiled it was an honest answer, not the cockiness she was used to from the guys clubbing in Vegas.

Sarah moved in closer, she was no longer dancing her demons away, but was dancing to bring out his demons. She wanted to push him; she wanted him and wanted him to need her. She slowed down, her body was touching his as she moved; seduction.

Eddie put his hand at the small of her back. He knew there was only so much of this he could take, but he was going to take as much as he could; Sarah seemed to need it.

The music and the beat changed, slowing just a little, but with a bass line that would give a girl an orgasm if she was sitting on one of the speakers. It was grinding music and Sarah was grinding, but not like so many women do, she still had an artistry to it, there was both satisfaction and teasing in her movements.
Eddie knew he wanted Sara in every carnal way possible, but he had no idea how to make that happen so he just kept dancing with her, his cock painfully hard, he kept dancing. Then Sara pulled him off the dance floor, it was time for another drink. He ordered and they sat down again.

Sara leaned in. “Dancing makes me very horny and it has been a long time since I have shared an orgasm with anyone, but I think I would like to share one with you.” Eddie was ready right then, but it wasn’t something that could be accomplished in a night club and he thought Sara could use more than just a hurried bathroom fuck. His place was only twenty minutes away, but by the time they got to the garage, got their cars and got anywhere it would be at least 45 minutes and he really didn’t want to give her time to change her mind.

They were in a club, in a casino, one that had hotel rooms. He didn’t expect to spend that kind of money tonight, but he could afford it. He grabbed her hand “Follow me.”

Drinks in hand they left the club and he guided her to the hotel lobby. He took her to one of the round velvet covered benches so she could relax while he took care of getting a room. It only took three minutes and it was settled, Eddie guided Sara to a bank of elevators, they got in. Since they were alone in the elevator he decided to kiss her. He felt her impatience in the kiss. All of the need, the hunger he saw on the dance floor was manifested in the kiss, she took, sucked his lip into her mouth, teased, licked and made him harder than he was before.

The doors to the elevator slid open and they looked to the placards on the wall to direct them to their room. The door to the room had barely shut behind them when Eddie pinned Sara to the wall, kissing her while she unbuttoned his shirt. Greedy mouths and hands exploring, she finished with his shirt and undid his pants. She slipped her hand into the waistband of his boxer briefs, the tips of her fingers making contact with the sensitive tip of his penis, electrifying.

He moved his hand under her skirt and pushed her panties to one side. As his finger found her slit he felt her slick smooth lips, they felt swollen, like his cock. He wanted to just fuck her up against the wall, instead he retreated a step, pushed back. He wasn’t in high school anymore; he had more self control than this.

“I am going to slow down a little, undress you, touch you, taste you, I hope that is okay.” She looked at him and nodded as he took her to one of the beds in the room. Sara sat at the edge of the bed and started taking off her shoes. He sat next to her and did the same, then stood up and removed the pants she had already undone. He took off his unbuttoned shirt, but left his shorts on. He stood in front of her and pulled off her crème shirt. He knelt in front of her and undid her bra, then removed it.

He looked at her breasts, full and natural with nipples that were dusky and hard. Eddie leaned in and licked first one nipple then the other, Sara made the right sounds, the ones that let him know she enjoyed his tongue teasing her nipples. He gently pushed her back so he could remove her skirt and panties. He was still kneeling on the floor; she was at the edge of the bed. He put her feet over his shoulders and slowly licked the inside of her right thigh until he reached her pussy, then he ran his tongue along her outer lip. He could smell her and taste her, she smelled clean and earthy and she tasted slightly sweet, but still that taste that you only find on a woman’s pussy. He did the same to her left side.

“The floor is going to kill my knees, why don’t you move to the center of the bed.” Sara complied with his request. Eddie parted her knees and went back to teasing her outer lips. Then he dipped his tongue into her slit and moved it up to her clit. She squirmed.

“I tend to be sensitive; sometimes it can be too much.” Eddie understood, he moved his tongue to the skin that hooded her clitoris and moved it gently in circles. Sara stopped squirming and moaned instead. It felt good. He slid a finger in her, then a second, she moaned again.

The two fingers in her pussy with his tongue were heavenly, then he crooked his fingers up, massaging her G-spot. It was only a minute and her body was shaking, Eddie could feel her vagina convulsing around his fingers, and then they were bathed in her slick juices. She was so incredibly wet.

“Oh God, I want your cock in me now.” Eddie withdrew his fingers from her; he pulled off his boxer briefs and positioned his penis at her opening. As he slowly slid in he put his fingers to her lips. Watching her taste her own wetness on his fingers while he felt that wetness on his cock was beyond erotic. He slid in all the way, took his fingers from her mouth and brought them to his; he wanted to taste her too.

He was beyond the point where he could hold back from cumming for long, but he wanted to draw it out for just a little bit, so he took slow long strokes. Before he expected it she was orgasming again. She had a dancers flexibility so her ankles were on his shoulders, he could feel her feet flexing, see her toes were curled then there it was the clenching, the milking sensation of her pussy. He stayed slow for just a moment longer, letting her orgasm subside a little, then drove into her with fast strokes. He came and as he did he felt this gush of wetness from her, felt her vagina clench in spasms that were pleasurable enough to keep his orgasm going longer than he had ever experienced.

She was shaking a little, both of them covered in a glistening sweat. He stayed in her for a minute letting her come down. When he withdrew he noticed the wet spot on the bed, it wasn’t just a wet spot, the bed was drenched. He ran his fingers along her pussy, the wetness smelled so sweet, he tasted it; it tasted like the honeysuckle he would pick just so he could pull the petals off and taste the nectar when he was a kid.

He had heard of this before, women who gush, one of his friends bragged about how he could make his girlfriend do it, but this was the first time he experienced it.

“God that was so good and you taste so sweet.” To prove his point he bent down and licked a little more of her sweet juice from her pussy. She shivered at the feel of his tongue.

She sat up and looked at the soaked bed “Oh my… I guess I got everything wet.” Eddie smiled at her “Good thing they put two beds in the room. They both laughed as they cleaned up and then pulled the covers from the bed that they hadn’t fucked in. They were both drained, so sleep was quick.

Eddie thought he was dreaming, but damn he wasn’t going to wake up. In his dream there was this warm wet mouth sucking his cock. It felt good and though he always woke up with a hard on, this was a different kind of hard on; this was a dream hard on, the kind that had caused wet dreams.

Then he felt something tight, wet and hot slide down his cock as he felt a weight straddle him. He opened one eye; Sara was on top of him. She leaned down “Good morning” He wasn’t awake enough yet to really say anything so he just smiled.

He thought to himself, I wish I could wake up like this all the time as her pace quickened. Soon she was riding him at a frenzied pace and he was ready to explode into her. She threw her head back and arched, then he felt her spasm and he joined her in an early morning orgasm.

She fell forward and just lay on his chest a moment. “I have to go, I need to get home and get ready for work.”

“You have to work this morning, but you didn’t really sleep.” Eddie wanted to keep her in bed all day. “No worries, a couple Rock Stars and I will be fine.” She started to move off him and dress.

“I want your number.” Eddie got out of the bed and went to his pants pocket where his phone was. She called out her number as she dressed; Eddie dialed and was satisfied when he heard her phone ring. She finished dressing and went to the door.

Eddie smiled, “I’ll see you around.”

Sara walked out of the room and headed to her car. Before she got there her phone started ringing “It’s Eddie, you know one night of you is not going to be enough.”

Sara thought it wasn’t enough for her either. “Really, well what are you doing tonight?”

There wasn’t even a beat before his reply “Spending it with you.”

Copyright 2009

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