Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just One Fantasy

Only a Fantasy

I had just returned from California where I was trying to make it big as a Drummer, and needed a job. My friend, Glen had just become the manager of this local pizzeria where I had worked before as one of the shift managers, and offered me a job, but I really didn’t want to go back. With no other job prospects and Glen being my friend, I agreed to go back anyway on the condition that I would have time off to do my music. “No problem.” he said, “I need someone in the mornings anyway.”

Things seemed to go well; I got back into it pretty quickly and was always able to be off when I needed to go to band rehearsals or gigs. We had several high school girls waiting tables there, but the most exceptional of them was Lillian. Not only was this girl gorgeous, she was also extremely competent at her job and she had just turned 18. The only drawback to Lillian was that she was a bit prickly and didn’t seem to date, ever.

We were headed into summertime and the girl who waited tables at lunch was a college girl who was going home for the summer. Glen told me that Lillian would be working days with me for the summer and told me that none of the other waitress would be willing to come in at 7am to do the prep work that needed before the restaurant opened. Since Lillian didn’t date, she wouldn’t object to the early hours, which made her the best choice for the job.

A week later she started. She picked up on everything she needed to do quickly and after about a week their seemed to be some synergy between us when we worked. Every now and then she would actually have a conversation with me. The summer wore on and the day shift had never gone so smoothly. I respected her work, but still thought she was standoffish. I did, however, notice that whenever she ordered her employee meal, she always ordered sans meat, so one morning I asked her about it. She told me she didn’t eat meat. I couldn’t resist asking “any meat?” From then on I couldn’t look at her mouth without imagining her eating my meat.

Near the end of summer I was over at Glen’s house with one of the other managers Brian. After drinking way to much, I blurted out that I fantasized about Lillian eating my meat. Glen admitted that when ever he saw her bending over to clean one of the tables he would imagine fucking her. Brian asked if I had noticed the wine colored lipstick she wore and then said that he liked to think about her leaving some of that lipstick on his cock, he said anytime he saw her putting on lipstick he got hard. After that I amended my meat fantasy to include her lipstick and from then on also got hard when ever she put her lipstick on.

Summer ended and Lillian went back to her regular evening hours, and I saw a lot less of her. When the holidays rolled around I realized I would need the week of Christmas off. The only way Glen was going to let me have that much time off was if I would work New Years Eve. I agreed and then asked who I would be working with, since we only had a two person crew on major holidays. He told me I would be working with Lillian.

At our crew Christmas party later that night, I couldn’t be sure but I thought Lillian might have been flirting with me. I had two weeks until New Years and I used that time to think of all the things I would like to do with Lillian and how I could possibly get her to do them with me.

New Years came and it was busy as usual. I hardly got a chance to talk with Lillian like I had hoped. The store finally closed and we got to the business of cleaning up. It was 3am when we were finished. I poured Lillian a glass of wine, even though she was under age, grabbed a beer and wished her a happy New Years. She seemed to be reading my mind when, she told me that she was a little to keyed up to go home and go to bed yet and wondered if I wouldn’t mind hanging out with her for a bit. I told her I wouldn’t mind at all. After a couple glasses of wine and a few beers, she shocked me, “Truth or dare Phil?”

I figured I better choose truth just to find out where she was headed with this before I agreed to any dares. She asked me if I had ever had any fantasies about her. Oh god, this was too good, I told her about my fantasy about having her wine colored lips around my meat. She just smiled at me, I then asked her to choose truth or a dare, she choose dare. God this was too easy. I then dared her to take her shirt off. She did! Man did she have beautiful breast, when ever she would stand in front of the windows during the day you could occasionally catch a glimpse of their shape, but seeing them naked was too good. Perfectly pert and more than a handful, I really wanted to touch them, but I was so shocked that she had taken off both her shirt and her bra for me that I forgot to.

She then dared me to kiss her. I asked her what happened to the option of truth, she told me I lost that option when I dared her to take her shirt off. I started kissing her and remembered that I wanted to feel her breasts, so I let my hands wander while I kissed her, then I let my lips wander down to her tits. While I was occupied with that she opened my fly and started stoking my already hard cock. I had to come up for air, and when I did, she moved down to her knees and made my fantasy true by eating my meat. She paused and asked me what I fantasized about most, other than her eating my meat.

Not thinking, I told her that I had always fantasized about having a one night stand where there were no strings attached. She asked me if I ever tried to fulfill that fantasy. I told I had but it had backfired both times when the women I slept with then perused a relationship with me.

She teased my dick a bit more with her tongue, and then suggested we move to the back of the restaurant where there were no windows. Then she took off the rest of her clothes and hopped up on one of the tables we used for prep work. She pulled her legs up so that her feet were on the table and displayed her pussy to me. She then fingered herself a bit. That was all I needed. I dropped my shorts and dove in. She wrapped her legs around me and was just as eager to fuck as I was.

We were both wound very tight and it didn’t take her long to start orgasming, I was a goner then and shot my load, but right as I was finishing, she said, “ohh that’s it, cum for me” and I started cuming all over again. I have never had a double orgasm before, heck I didn’t even know I could orgasm like that. When we were done it was about 5 am, she went to the bathroom and I cleaned up, making sure there was no evidence for the morning crew to find. When she came out of the bathroom she kissed me on the cheek and said, “Good Night Phil, Have a good year.” Then she left.

It wasn’t until the next day that I realized I didn’t have her phone number, didn’t know where she lived or vice versa. I figured she just forgot to exchange numbers because it was so late and that I would see her at work. The next time I worked Lillian wasn’t there and she wasn’t on the schedule. I asked Glen what was up with Lillian not being on the schedule and he told me that Lillian had given notice a couple weeks ago, but didn’t want any fuss, so she asked him not to tell anyone. New Years Eve was her last day.

The two fantasies I told her about she fulfilled, no strings attached. I sometimes wonder if maybe I should have thought of some other fantasy to share with her, who knows how many fantasies I could have had fulfilled, instead I never saw her again.


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